(951) 323-3592






Our mission at SPORTS ACADEMY-POST GRADUATE(PG) is "to provide a program for young men/women in a unique, accelerated 6 month, post graduate environment to prepare for the rigors of college and beyond." Because all of our students are postgraduates, we are able to offer you a program that emulates the college environment and experience, yet offers more structure and support than colleges do. As a result, SPORTS ACADEMY-POST GRADUATE(PG) is not another year of high school; it is a true transition year, one in which you can improve your academic skills, and develop both strong study skills and the self-discipline to complete your work on time. The result for our students is increased confidence in their ability both to make a successful transition to college, and to enjoy continued success there.

SPORTS ACADEMY-POST GRADUATE(PG) sports program sets the standard for academic and athletic success with aspiring student & student athletes. PG players who enroll in SPORTS ACADEMY-POST GRADUATE(PG) 6 month program will benefit by: earning higher scores and grades for college preparation; building a vastly stronger knowledge base and better self-discipline for further success at college; and providing more time for their bodies to develop prior to playing college football/women sports.

SPORTS ACADEMY-POST GRADUATE(PG) sports program is a very successful option for most young men/women. Our goal is to send numerous PG players to the ranks of many college programs every year plus to be job career oriented upon completion of the accelerated 6 months program.

Academic Objectives of the Program

Enhance classroom abilities for college
Allow for improvement of SAT and ACT test scores
Improve GPA for Division II and III schools
Teach self-discipline required for college classes
Develop better study habits through mandatory study hall
Individualize programs of study with computers and technology

Athletic Advantages of the Post-Graduate Program

No loss of collegiate eligibility
Gain exposure to and competition against college programs
Improve technique through use of videotaping
Provide additional year for growth and maturity
Enhance strength and agility in a supervised, monitored program
Allow ineligible seniors to play another season

Featured Athlete

Saad Awad Saad Awad

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 155 lbs
DOB: June 7, 1983
The Assassin
Record: 8-3

Championship Belts: Titans of the Pentagon, Gladiator Challenge, (beat the CCF champ but never got my belt)

Schools: Aguirres Fighting System

Instructor: Franklin Aguirre


Fabricio Werdum

USC - PG Academy 2009

Gym Schedule

Big Mana 7 on 7 Challenge 2009